about our chiropractic office Little Rock, AR
Williams Chiropractic Care is committed to providing excellent natural healthcare to our patients so that you may live a healthy and pain free life style. Chiropractic treatment has been utilized for over 100 years in the United States, and has increasingly gained value and recognition as the safest and most effective form of treatment for many neuromusculoskeletal problems.

Many painful conditions have their origin in the joints, muscles and nerves of the body, and Chiropractic treats these structures specifically. Through gentle manipulative techniques, Dr. Williams help to restore normal joint motion, reduce tension and stress in muscles, and take pressure off of nerves. This allows your body to utilize its amazing healing capacity and it is this ability of the body to recover from insult and injury that Chiropractors facilitate, using specific and focused treatment methods to allow your own body to recover and improve.

Call us today at (501) 227-9766 to request an appointment!

Dr. Rodney Williams

Dr. Rodney Williams is a native of Little Rock. He graduated from Parkview Arts/Science Magnet High School in 1993 before going on to the University of Central Arkansas to complete his undergraduate requirements to enter Logan College of Chiropractic in St. Louis, MO. He graduated from Logan College December 16, 2000 with the degree Doctor of Chiropractic.

Dr. Williams has been active in the chiropractic profession since graduation. He served as president of the American Black Chiropractic Association from 2008-2012. Before being elected to this position, he served as treasurer of the organization from 2002-2008. He is an active member of the American Chiropractic Association where he served on the legislative committee 2015-2017. He is a member of the Arkansas Chiropractic Physician Association.

Dr. Williams began Williams Chiropractic Care in January 2001 and the clinic has been in the same location on John Barrow Rd. since 2003. Dr. Williams being raised in the southwest section of Little Rock, enjoys being a part of the community and is a member of several community-based organizations. Some include Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, 100 Black Men of America, Greater Little Rock Chapter, Prince Hall Masons, and the Central Arkansas Sphinx Foundation. He is also an active member of Longley Baptist Church. Dr. Williams had the privilege of being selected as Big Brothers Big Sisters Community Big Brother of the year in 2010 and Chiropractor of the Year for the American Black Chiropractic Association in 2006.